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'Violence and the Philosophy of Consumption' Series (Part One)

On the 5th of November, I was lucky enough to work alongside a very talented creative writer/artist Shamiso Chirimuuta and assist her with the current project  'Violence and the Philosophy of Consumption' Series .  This series features articles, accompanied by a photo series, that explore the ways in which indulgent consumption (namely in the fashion industry) may be exploitative of workers and the environment. The hypothesis is that capitalistic consumption, in its current form, is an indirect act of violence against the poor and the environment. Intrigued by this idea, I couldn't wait to bring both of our creative minds together and produce some meaningful photography! Whilst we wait for her amazing blog, I thought it would be a good idea to give you a sneak peak into a few of the images we produced during this shoot. So t he accompanying blog post for the first part of the shoot will be titled   ' Slow Violence' . This particular series of images ...

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